Ritam - Being in Balance. A Podcast on Wellbeing
Mental wellbeing is an escalating global challenge having serious impact on the quality of life, productivity in workplace etc. Our approach to wellbeing fundamentally depends on our perspective of ourselves. Are we just human beings, not much different from animals or something more? Over thousands of years the Vedic spiritual seekers dived deep within themselves to explore the inner space and they repeatedly verified that we all, without exception, are in essence really spiritual beings having human experiences. Their discoveries form Vedanta philosophy - the 'science of human excellences" - which explain in detail and with much clarity how we have multidimensional physical, mental, emotional and ethical layers of personality covering the fundamental Pure and eternal spiritual being. Along with this, the Vedic seekers developed systematic Yoga techniques to purify our minds and "dis-cover" our true Self.
The Vedantic conception of ourselves and Yogic mind-management techniques offer an alternative approach to address the mental wellbeing challenges. Ramakrishna Vedanta Centre, Auckland has taken up a project to make available these Vedanta-Yoga teachings to empower individuals with the knowledge and skill-sets to better manage their minds, emotions, values etc. to live meaningful, peaceful and productive lives.
Ritam is the Vedic principle responsible for maintaining order, harmony and rhythm both in the macrocosm and the microcosm. Stress, tension, dis-ease etc arise when we lose this balance at different levels of our being and around us. We have limited capacity to influence change outside us but we can definitely integrate our mind to our inner Self to gain greater poise, balance and rhythm in life. Meditation is the art of turning the mind inwards and anchoring it to our eternal, omniscient, blissful and pure Self. The more we are integrated with our inner Self, the greater will be the influence we can cast around us. This is the spiritual way to freedom from the slavery to the eternal world and internal body, senses and mind.
Ritam - Being in Balance is our series of conversations with Swami Tadananda wherein we explore the Vedanta-Yoga teachings and practices to promote our wellbeing.
Ritam - Being in Balance. A Podcast on Wellbeing
20. Wellbeing - Unlocking the Secrets of Advanced Meditation
The episode offers an advanced look at meditation practices, likening them to the metamorphosis of water from ice to vapor, and invites you to experience your potential to ascend from the physical to the spiritual realm.
As we traverse the landscape of human perception, Swami Tadannanda sheds light on the constraints of our physical senses and the liberation that awaits in the expanses of our minds. This episode challenges you to consider the boundaries of space and time and the power of consciousness to break free from such confines. We deeply explore the concept of pure consciousness, a state of ultimate freedom, and how meditation can act as the vessel to reach this exalted experience.
Concluding this powerful session, we delve into what it means to achieve enlightenment, and how meditation serves as a key to unlocking our spiritual intelligence. The discussion encompasses the potent imagery of the mind and body as a sacred temple, the role of symbols in spiritual traditions, and the importance of self-discipline in nurturing our well-being. Join us for an episode that promises not just to enlighten but to empower, as we provide the tools to strengthen your connection with a profound source of inner power.
Namaste Adityaam listeners. My name is Sunil. I'm with Swami Tadannanda from the Ramakrishna Vedanta Center of Auckland, new Zealand. How are you, swamiji? I'm very good, sunil, thank you. How are you technique today? What is so special about this technique, and why is it different from the technique that we gave our listeners in episode eight, which was quite, a very basic one?
Speaker 2:yeah, thank you, sunil. Yes, for the very beginners who did not have much understanding or background to meditation, we gave a simpler version of it and, just like you know, babies who don't have teeth we give them simple, easy to digest food. But as they develop their capacity, which we hope that our regular meditators have developed now, then we can give them, you know, some hard food, bread and chapati. Okay, so here in this episode last episode we gave a more detailed version of it and I think it's a good idea to explore for you to know why, what's new in this and how do we use this and how it's going to be more beneficial. So the, the beginning and the main introductory feature steps are the same how we sit, how we breathe, how we connect with everyone, praying for everyone's good and welfare and everything. And then we come back to the real meditation process and that's where that difference comes. So you will notice our meditators would have noticed that we give a little guidance about the different dimensions of our being and we say, just like ice, water, water vapor and something that became water vapor, they are the same substance, substance but in different states. So in ice, the water molecules are in the fixed state and it's called solid. They can't move around. But when there is greater freedom and they flow around, that state is called liquid water, but still it's confined to the vessel in which the water is there. And with a greater degree of freedom, then the water molecules are able to fly around and we call that water vapor, but still they are oxygen and hydrogen bound together as a water molecule. They might want to be free and be just oxygen and hydrogen separately, o2h2. That's even higher, greater degree of freedom. But why two atoms should be bound together? Why can't I just be simply an oxygen atom and then it just? You can keep on going there.
Speaker 2:So the different degrees of freedom and energy, yes, is there, it is like your. And so as you go high and higher, the energy level increases. It's like your 2g, 3g, 4g, 5g. These are all wavelengths. You know energy and the amount of information that is contained in a 6g or 5g is so much superior to come to 2g. So when we function through the physical body only, we are like an old 2g phone, all right, okay. When we go into the mind, mental level, then maybe we're 3g, 4g phone, okay, all right. So you'll find that people who have got a manual job, they can do only so much. But those who are intellectual people, smart, they are the ones who occupy the upper management, or the ones who are thinking planning and CEOs, you know they get paid more because they're the ones who make policies, who have got ideas.
Speaker 2:If you can give one good idea in your company, okay, you are both, your whole recruitment, you know, yes, that's the power of a person who can think. But then there are other people who sit even beyond that Okay, a person who can think, but then there are other people who sit even beyond that, okay, who run the whole organization at the top, the top men. So this is how the universe is constituted and we as an individual are a microcosm, a part of the macrocosm. The macrocosm is the ocean. I am a wave in it. Okay so, but the pattern is same.
Speaker 2:So when I look at myself now, subjectively, I've got a physical body that's the equivalent to the ice. Then I've got a mental body, the equivalent is water, and then they say what a vapor state. And that's where we want to introduce to our listeners today this idea of the spiritual intelligence. Okay, buddhi is in Sanskrit called the power of discrimination, the will power, so to say that controls the mind. Okay, the finer always controls the mind, the finer always controls the grosser. So what we have discussed today, the different dimensions, different states of what we are, it's a whole continuity. But the physical level, the mental level, the intelligence level, and beyond that sits the pure spiritual consciousness as a conscious being. That I am different from a chair, more intelligent than a cat or dog, is because in a human being that intelligence or consciousness is more manifest. In the cat and dog it is there, but its manifestation is less. And so if we can develop a technique to facilitate the manifestation more, that would be marvelous, isn't it? Education, training is all about that. Okay, but let's understand the framework of things.
Speaker 2:So in that meditation technique we said just like ice melts into water, water merges into water vapor.
Speaker 2:Likewise we visualize that the physical body with its all imperfections, you know its gender, its age, its disease, its color and all those things it's a very limited thing. You know you have to transport it from one place to the other by using a car or plane or something, but mentally you can go to another place in a second. You see, there's no boundary for the thoughts, but physically you are so bound. So when we begin to work with the physical level, it has got its own limitations. The eyes can see only so much, the ears can only hear so much, and you've got these five senses, and these five senses are the gateways through which we take energy from the external world light energy for the eyes, sound energy for the ears and we represent them in our mind and that's our representation of the world. If we had another sense, the world will appear as something different. If we have one less sense, like we are deaf or colorblind our comprehension or perspective of the world will be different.
Speaker 2:So we are so sense-bound, limited by the body, limited by the senses, and then we are also limited by the mind. How do we formulate ideas, how do we rationalize them, how do we understand them, how we manage them, how do we plan?
Speaker 1:And what we know right, Because the mind only knows some things, not everything. Yes so much, yeah, only so much.
Speaker 2:Okay, what we're exposed to Exactly, you're born in one particular country and in a particular family and environment. That's all that has been exposed to. That's right. Another person living in the Kalahari Desert has got a totally different world. You know that you can't even imagine, but he has got his own world in which he knows how to function, survive in all these things and before we know a little bit, we are called off this stage from this world, you see. So we are living quite a bit in the darkness with a small torchlight and we see a few things, and that's all our knowledge. So we should be humble.
Speaker 1:They should be humble. They will never know.
Speaker 2:And if we want to know everything, then is this way of seeing or understanding or perceiving through the senses? Is it ever going to happen? You might amplify the power of the senses, like a telescope to see far away things, or phone to hear far away, or tv, but no matter how much you increase it, would you still have a tool that can be all-knowing? No, see so and and? In the gross level you can't. Yeah, and so that's a lesson for scientists, because that's what they're trying to do. Okay, and then, intellectually, you know how much you can understand. You know understanding is trying to rationally put various ideas together, that it makes a logical sense.
Speaker 2:The penny drops, I got it. But if new idea comes in doesn't fit in. That it's scratching your head. You know. I can't understand. You know even what is understanding, what is knowledge? We need to understand that a little deeper. Maybe those are topics we will take up another, but in this meditation technique we are trying to do something else. We say we know the limitations of the body. Ice has come out of water. Let's visualize that the ice merges into the source that it has come from.
Speaker 1:Okay.
Speaker 2:Because the ice is a product. Water is the cause. But where did the water come from? It came from water vapor that condensed yes, that's invisible as water vapor. It materialized drops of rain, you know, mist or something like that, and then you get something in a pot or a bowl.
Speaker 2:So let's have a more full or comprehensive, integral conception of who we are, that there are different layers of our being the gross body, the subtle mind, and there is the causal. Causal means, that which is the cause, like the vada vipa, which we will call as the intelligence, intellect part of it, or the spiritual dimension, part of it. There, and then all of it has come from even something higher. We feel ourselves as that consciousness, but we just are not able to pinpoint and express it because the mind is not able to go comprehend. It's just like the water vapor became invisible. It's there, but you know. It's there intellectually, but it's not grasped by any of the senses. Now, okay, Because the senses can only perceive gross things. It's not designed for the subtle perception type of thing. Yes, so when we do that meditation, before we do that meditation in this level, two advanced one we try to reintegrate ourselves to the ultimate being that we are, which is pure consciousness.
Speaker 2:So we go through that process, process of not imagination, but visualization. Imagination is a conceptual thing in your head. Visualization is more of a feeling. You know, I am, you know, like a, like a solid piece of ice. Now I have become merged into water, like x-men. You know, they shape-shifters, they change from one form to the other. Also people have changed that. And then it goes down into. The form is changing, the state is changing and as I go to the higher one, I feel more powerful. More energy is there, more freer, more freer. Freedom is there. My limitations are not shackling me anymore. Yes, okay, a piece of ice is tied to that shape, you know. But the moment it melts it's able to flow freely and take the shape of the vessel. But when it becomes whatever, it is able to fly around everywhere.
Speaker 2:So we want freedom, we want greater freedom, we don't want to be bound by things. So physical level is the highest level of bondage. Mind is freer compared to the eyes, the physical body. But there's a greater degree of freedom when we abide in what is called the buddhi level or the spiritual intelligence. But ultimate freedom is at that, pure consciousness. That's why we call mukti, nirvana, freedom. When we are in that state, then there's no limitation, absolutely free Beyond time, beyond space, beyond names, beyond forms. So the infinite knowledge is the infinite bliss no ignorance, no misery. That is the divine birthright of every one of us.
Speaker 2:And before we do this meditation, we want to expand our frame of how we conceive or conceptualize ourselves. So that's why we are taking that new element in this second process where we say visualize yourself and giving yourself some time, don't rush. Okay, because we have guided you through that meditation session. After a person has been listening to that for 10, 15, 20 times and knows the steps, then they can might need not use that recording, but pace that process according to their own comfort. And the ideal thing would be when they visualize that the body became merged in the mind and mind became merged into the intelligence and the intelligence merged into that consciousness. And in that consciousness there are no boundaries. Everything is infinite, homogeneous, limitless. That is what each and every one of us are. When we say we are a spiritual being, it is at that dimension, here and now. It's not some imagination. If you could develop that capacity to make that transition, you will experience yourself as a conscious being right now. Yes, okay, yogis would do that. Sri Ramakrishna goes into Samadhi and he would experience himself as that universal consciousness. Then he will come back into the physical body and function through the limitations of this, but he can shuttle back and forth. We human beings are caught in that human level, only bound by the senses, and that's why we suffer. But even but, that higher level is still there, present, but only inaccessible. Through meditation we try to make access that so, so we try to go into that higher level and rest there. Don't just enter and come out and feel sort of.
Speaker 2:If I were a realized soul, enlightened, like Buddha or Christ or you know any of the realized masters, what would I be experiencing myself as such? Okay, that individuality, mr X, y and Z, has long time disappeared. Your physical gender, you know, male, female limitations of the body, age that has disappeared. All the limitations of the mind, your capacity to think, understand, feel, emotion that also has disappeared. There's absolutely boundless limitlessness and I am that omniscient being. That means.
Speaker 2:Imagine a state in which there's no ignorance, absolutely all knowing everything, here and now, this instant, that type of wow. Imagine a state where there's no misery, absolutely blissful. Imagine a state where there is no limitation, absolute freedom, you're not bound by time, by space, and everything in its perfection is there. I am that being. To reinforce ourselves, that true spiritual identity, we need to linger in that space. And so I said this is my true nature, I want to have that, because that's the truth about me. Why should I settle for a limited body? And all you know, a human experience is good, fun, okay, but that's not. When it becomes too hot, I should be able to come in here and take a rest type of thing, then go out and place a human being willingly, but not by force, and get caught and whacked around, and I can't. That's the plight of most people. I want to be enlightened, player, okay, not somebody that is playing in ignorance.
Speaker 2:So once you know that has been sort of grounded there, nicely, then we do the reverse process where we say, okay, that pure consciousness has decided to embody itself and I am that embodiment in this life. So how did it happen? That consciousness, that pure energy, became like the water vapor, it became intelligence, then it became the mind and then it grossified further and concretized as the physical body. And this is the situation I find myself body, mind, some identity, but I'm always aware of that source.
Speaker 2:So, you know, in a normal human so that process of resolving our identity, our location, our eye, sense, from the physical to the mental, to the spiritual, to the consciousness, and then re-emerging, refabricating, but this time doing it in your visualization, that without all this limitation, that means I have a mind that's absolutely calm and perfect and pure, okay, without any difficult defects in there, and I have a body that's absolutely pure, perfect, without any disease, tension, stress, you know like that. So this body, mind then becomes the temple of the divine, so to say, in which we visualize the divine presence and in that reconstituted pure being that we are. Because why has it become pure? Because we merged it into the absolute purity and it's that pure essence again has come. So you feel that I'm a very pure being, you know that itself is very, very uplifting, almost like a restart.
Speaker 2:Reset, you know, reset All those limitations that people have been talking about, and I was feeling they were not me. I dropped them, I reconstituted a new body, because what do you think that you become? Peace, okay, what we think that we become, yes, okay, what we think that we become, as a man thinketh in the bible, you know, say that's what you become. So, rather than dwelling about on our limitations, because if you do that, you reinforce that, we manifest that. We now re-emphasize our spiritual perfect state and let that become the new music that plays inside and the ever free, ever pure being, and let that energy now shine through at the physical level also. This is the best way of healing ourselves, purifying ourselves. That tool to cure ourselves is present always inside each one of us.
Speaker 2:When we do not know this knowledge that I've just been talking about in the last 10 minutes, we will go to a counselor, this and that hey, can you help me get inside my mind, sort things out there. They will try to help with in their own understanding of things cognitive behavior, therapy and all those things. But look here, this is a spiritual way of doing it and it's our own tool. You're not going to anyone else it's your own thing that's available to you. What we are sharing is the knowledge and the method by which one can access that energy and power within. So, but the logic of it is this so we connect ourselves to the spiritual being, then to refabricate this whole thing, and then in the core of your heart heart doesn't mean the physical heart, it means the center of my being I visualize a beautiful lotus. If I'm Maori, I'll visualize a Kauru. Both are symbols of something that is potentially present, that will unfold and manifest in a beautiful way, like a lotus will open up and beautiful flower, it becomes a Kauru. Imagine that to be a beautiful Kauru, made out of light, coiled inside, is all the potentiality of that beautiful fern that will express itself.
Speaker 2:So different traditions will have their own symbology. We can use that, but the concept is there has to be an unfoldment. Unfoldment means transitioning from the physical to the mental, to the spiritual dimension. The fully opened lotus is in the spiritual dimension. The fully unfurled karu fern leaf is in the spiritual dimension. And to unfold means I have to make this shift of my eye sense away from the body, away from the mind, into that spiritual being. And so that's where, because the mind needs something to hold into. The nature of the mind is that it requires a name in a form, some idea. Otherwise it lands in a blank abstraction. Ultimately, we can go beyond all thoughts and ideas, but in the intermediate process it's good to give it some tangible support and that's why in different spiritual traditions the spiritual teachers will say he is a spiritual deity, or being or incarnation.
Speaker 1:Some symbol.
Speaker 2:Somebody who is a manifestation of that infinite consciousness, where the powers of that being are represented in that particular personality to whom we pray. Okay, could be Christ, could be Buddha, could be Rama Krishna, ramakrishna Could be Shiva, durga Kali, it doesn't matter Whichever tradition you have, those who don't believe in a form of God. They might meditate on that pure light. But that light represents that pure. It's a representation of that consciousness. That's the important idea. Now, the important thing is that meditation means keeping the mind one pointed on that one name and form. Normal mind jumps from one thought to another, hopping from this to this. We want to develop the capacity that it can reside only on one thought. Yeah, okay, and that's why, to facilitate the process, our Vedic teachers said that's where the mantra comes.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:That's the word that represents that divine form, and by repeating the mantra. Om is the most universal sound. We have talked about it. Those who are not religious or belong to different religious traditions or don't have access to a mantra might want to use OM. It's not a Hindu thing. If all the sounds that were produced by a human being in any language are encapsulated and compressed into one package, the sum total of that will sound like OM. And at one end, when you speak, the mouth is open AH, and the other end, when it's closed, it's closed MM, and the impulse rolls from the open to the close. It transitions through the OO. So AH, oo, mm.
Speaker 2:When you put it all together, om represents the sum total of all the sounds that can, and therefore it's the best symbol of the totality. All right, the different sounds are like the different colors. So when your beam of white light passes through a prism we understand in physics, it spreads out into a whole spectrum of thousands of colors. So the different words that we are speaking are like all this infinite number of colors. Okay, but if they're all resolved back, so when you get the newton's color within a spin, it it becomes white, it becomes white, it appears white. Okay, so like, if all the sounds are resolved to the source, they will all merge and the sound that will be produced due to the emergence of all the sound is the sound OM. Yes. So if you visualize that in your mind this incessant chatter is going on, which are different thoughts, ideas are there and you say I don't like them, they're disturbing, you know, but I can't get rid of them.
Speaker 2:What is the one? So I need to resolve it to its course. Yes, okay, okay. Solving means resolving. Yeah, Okay, that's the method. You don't fight it, but you just take it back to its course. Yeah, yeah, okay.
Speaker 2:And so when you repeat the OM, then all this little chatter that is going on they merge back into their oneness. All the colors merge into that white light, all the sounds merge into that OM, and that is why all mantras start with OM merge into that OM. And that is why all mantras start with OM, even if one is not a religious person or doesn't belong to any particular faith. And they have all this anxiety and thoughts and this, and that if they just deeply resonate their mind with that sound OM, then people can say I'll just try it out and let me see if it helps. Not Be free to do that.
Speaker 2:Spiritual life is not just believing things. It's about experiencing, experimenting with this and you'll find that it helps. But then there are more advanced techniques and mantras that are more specifically designed. For a little headache you can get a little Panadol, but for particular injuries you'll require some different types of medicines. You know meant for muscles or this or that, isn't it.
Speaker 2:So there are different types of mantras and tools that are available in spiritual traditions for specifically addressing, you know, people of different temperaments. They are not all similarly constituted. So, according to the constitution of the mind of the person, different mantras are there, but the idea is that the mantra represents an energy mantra, shakti You're not repeating the word, but you're trying to resonate with the energy of the mantra in that repetition. Right, okay? And that energy has its original source through the pure consciousness. That energy has its original source through the pure consciousness. So when we focus onto that mantra with great concentration, reverence and knowing that it is connecting me to my deepest being, there's no god there. I am the god at the spiritual level. Okay, but I have shifted from that idea of my universality, omniscience and omnipresence, my divinity and I have become limited as a human being. I want to retrace my path back.
Speaker 2:So this idea of solving a problem by resolving to its course is an interesting idea and concept. Even great thinkers like Einstein says you know, and says the solution to a problem doesn't exist at the level of the problem, it exists at a higher level, from plane. Okay, so when we are saying there's a physical problem, then we take the help of knowledge. Virus came. Okay, who solved it? Scientists who had the knowledge, who decided to devise some vaccine and things. And you had a solution for that. When there are problems in the mind level, then using the same logic, we have to access its cause. Okay, that's why all this CBT and all those things, which is sort of looking at the behavior, physical behavior and mental behavior the solution cannot be there, because solution has its solution, resides in a higher level.
Speaker 2:Yes, okay, logic of it you know so, helps us, or meditation helps us develop that. That faculty is called buddhi in sanskrit. Okay, and the english equivalent, I would say, is intelligence, but not the normal artificial intelligence or the human intelligence, spiritual intelligence. And when we focus on a particular divine form and try to resonate with the energy of that form, this hidden capacity, potentially in every person, every human being, when it's exercised, it begins to manifest. We talked in the early stages how exercises are important, like going to the gymnasium, and you do this something repeatedly, and this muscles body responds by manifesting muscles. You do those exercises in the school classroom education, then those intellectual muscles are developed.
Speaker 2:Spiritual disciplines of Japa and meditation are specifically designed exercises to develop the spiritual intelligence, the buddhi. That is what is missing in most people and therefore they cannot understand the workings of their own mind and they do not control that also, and the willpower is low and the willpower is weak. Okay, so the development of that willpower, which is Ichcha Shakti, ichcha Shakti is the I will do something. If that willpower is very strong, then one persists and perseveres and when difficulties come, challenges come, they don't abandon and take another path. They just cut through the mountain, so to say. Okay, so those are the people who are very successful. You know they reach their goal. Others, so much wasted effort and go around in circles and you know tired and nothing much comes out of it. So this development of this willpower is the real purpose of education.
Speaker 2:I would like to take one episode in future and talk about what is this? But sufficient to say whether we know it? Not if a child starts meditating, concentrating, and the parent and the teacher understands that I'm trying to empower the child with a tool, by exercising through this process of meditation and awaken what is called the buddhi or spiritual intelligence, with which the child in later in life will be able to understand the workings of what's happening in the mind, space, thoughts, ideas, emotions, feelings and everything as an observer, and discriminate what is desirable and not desirable, good and bad, and make the right choices. If that training is given to the child by the parents and teachers, I think we have given them the best education. But if we just fill their mind with so much information and then check that out in the examination, whether they can reproduce them, this is the most primitive form of understanding of education, so to say Okay, never mind what has happened, we can't go to primary school, but there's nothing stopping us from re-educating ourselves. Yes.
Speaker 2:So meditation is really developing those tools which we should have developed in the early days. Okay, but didn't come that way. It's never too late to develop that even now, and one should dedicate a little bit of that time daily, morning and evening. Otherwise we'll be at the mercy of this mind, mercy of this world, get thrashed around, cry, no one is going to help us. Even if you go out, who can help you? Eventually you'll see some counsellor, some psychiatrist, and they might help you in some ways, but the help that you need is available within you. The method is very simple we have to keep ourselves, and I think that's the beauty and the simplicity of this spiritual approach to this thing.
Speaker 2:So in this meditation, sunil, we have talked about this development of this willpower, the spiritual intelligence. I would like to take one session and go deeper into that, into more power, into this, I think, because then people will understand why am I meditating? Am I waiting for some spiritual experience to happen? Will I have some spiritual vision or something like that? What's the outcome I'm looking for? No, no, we're just being very, very practical. I've got a physical dimension. I've got a mental dimension. There's a spiritual dimension that I have not nurtured properly.
Speaker 2:Okay, and I'm going to strengthen that through this exercise of meditation. Then I'm getting, I will have the bridge that will then connect the mind to the consciousness. Right now there's a gap, so little bit of current is trickling down. We don't have a superconductor through which that energy flows through, but in saints and sages who nurtured that and perfected that art of meditation and connected themselves to the infinite source, through them, that to them, through them, that power blasts through. And you see what is the impact in this world. You know, a carpenter's son, born 20 centuries ago, has such an influence even this age. He was also a human being, but it was more than that. He became a conduit through which the divine power flow. That ocean is present behind you, me and every one of us, and the best thing we can do is to learn how to connect with that. And meditation is called the royal path, you know.
Speaker 2:So I hope I've given you a little bit of understanding about why we have, you know, moved from that basic level meditation to this, yes, and what's the philosophy or the psychology behind it and what we are trying to do in there as the additional part of it. So we hope our Ritam listeners will understand this. And now, don't think this is a religious thing thing. It is a practice of self-development or learning how to avail and access the power from the grid. We are not a small battery from the shop that will get drained out after some time. We want to connect to the infinite source, and that source is within us. We just need to have the tool, and that tool is the buddhi. Thank you so much. That's been quite useful, but, as you say, it's is within us. We just need to have that tool and that tool.
Speaker 1:Is that buti? Yes, thank you so much. That's been quite useful, as in. But, as you say, it's we've done the philosophy or the understanding of why we, why we have this advanced meditation technique, but it's the experience, right? So we all have to get down and practice. Yes, if we don't practice, then we'll never be able to unlock the real potential of any of this. It will be just theory, some self-discipline.
Speaker 2:Ideally at least 15 minutes morning and evening, without an excuse. If you miss one next day, you should double it up and try to catch up and save but a little bit of strictness with ourselves. We need to learn how to take care of ourselves. No one can help us if we can't help ourselves. We are the most important person of ourselves. No one can help us if we can't help ourselves. We are the most important person to ourselves. But if we think everyone else is important, from morning to evening you're looking for looking after husband or wife or children, or boss or employees or customers. This and there, it's all good you do that, but you need to take care of yourself.
Speaker 1:Yes, indeed, alright, sw.